Tag Archives: k2

Make WordPress K2 Themes Refresh Faster

The pages with wordpress K2 theme loads fast when you click them, but if you try to refresh the page it will be very slow to load, while other themes don’t have this problem. To fix this follow this guide taken from K2’s forum:

find the folder js inside the K2 folder, then for each .js.php file comment out the ‘require(….. wp-blog-header.php)’ line and replace ‘!get_settings(‘gzipcompression’)’ with ‘( ob_get_length() === FALSE)’. After that the first few lines should look like this:

// check to see if the user has enabled gzip compression in the WordPress admin panel
if ( (ob_get_length() === FALSE) and !ini_get('zlib.output_compression') and ini_get('output_handler') != 'ob_gzhandler' and ini_get('output_handler') != 'mb_output_handler' ) {

Then add the following lines on the top of the files livesearch.js.php and rollingarchives.js.php after the php tag:

// Echo a translated string.
function _e($text, $domain = 'default') {
global $l10n;

if (isset($l10n[$domain]))
echo apply_filters(‘gettext’, $l10n[$domain]->translate($text), $text);
echo $text;

For livesearch.js.php, comments.js.php:
replace all
echo str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'))
There are two instances of these in comments.js.php, and one in livesearch.js.php.

After all these the pages will refresh very fast.

Original post in which this guide is taken from…

Today I changed my blog’s template to TripleK2

Today I changed my blog’s template to TripleK2, a theme based on K2 but with three columns, with a very nice style TechnoBlue(found in the same website). Now I have one sidebar on the left and one on the right. The theme is similar to 3k2, but I didn’t use 3k2 since the last time it’s updated is like half years ago, it uses a much older version of K2 which probably has some bugs that cause trouble. I really liked the style TechnoBlue, since it looks very nice and neat, if you’re looking for a three-column K2 with a nice style it should be your choice.
